Logic Pro X - training 18
This post outline `How to set Bus(Aux) channel on Logic Pro x?, What's the advantage by setting Bus(Aux)?`
There are input and output on each channel. Channel’s output is stereo input by default. So input sound is passed to amp
We can set a common setting by creating Bus(Aux) in the middle
There are 2 way setting bus(aux)
1. Change the output
2. Set VCA Fader
Difference between that is `2` is just to link fader rather than changing the output
1. Change the output
Step1. Select channels
Step2. Select the output channel(ex 33)
Step3. Select BUS 33 and then create the track
It's possible by summing track simply
2. Set VCA Fader
Step1. Select channels - same
Step2. Set VCA
Step3. Select BUS and then create the track
It's possible by summing track simply
#logic #로직프로X #미디작곡